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which GOD Himself, essentially eternal and unchangeable, assumes an infinite variety of forms, enjoys an infinite variety of experiences and transcends an infinite variety of self-imposed limitations. Evolution from the standpoint of the Creator is a divine sport, in which the Unconditioned tests the infinitude of His absolute Knowledge, Power and Bliss in the midst of all conditions. But evolution from the standpoint of the creature, with his limited knowledge, limited power, limited capacity for enjoying bliss, is an epic of alternating rest and struggle, joy and sorrow, love and hate, until, in the perfected man, GOD balances the pairs of opposites and transcends duality. Then creature and Creator recognize themselves as one; changelessness is established in the midst of change; eternity is experienced in the midst of time. GOD knows Himself as GOD, changeable in essence, infinite in manifestation, ever experiencing the supreme bliss of Self-Realization in continually fresh awareness of Himself by Himself.


This realization must and does take place only in the midst of life, in order that limitation can be experienced and transcended, and that subsequent freedom from limitation can be enjoyed. This freedom from limitation assumes three forms.


Most God-realized souls leave the body at once and forever, and remain eternally merged in the unmanifest aspect of GOD. They are conscious only of the bliss of union. Creation no longer exists for them. Their constant round of births and deaths is ended. This is known as mukti or liberation.


Some God-realized souls retain the body for a time, but their consciousness is merged completely in the unmanifest aspect of GOD, and they are, therefore, not conscious either of their bodies or of creation. They experience constantly the infinite Bliss, Power and Knowledge of GOD, but they cannot consciously use them in creation or help others to attain to liberation. Nevertheless, their presence on earth is like a focal point for the concentration and radiation of the infinite Power, Knowledge and Bliss of GOD; and those who approach them, serve them, and worship them are spiritually benefited by contact with them. These souls are called Majzoobs, and this particular type of liberation is called videh-mukti liberation with the body.


A few God-realized souls keep the body, yet are conscious of themselves as GOD in both His unmanifest and His manifest aspects. They know themselves both as the unchangeable divine essence and as the infinitely varied manifestation. They experience themselves as GOD apart from




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