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Moti Baba. After some time BABA came out, appearing very happy, and told all his men to go in and look at the mast. “Be quick, you are now going to get food,” he added. The men came to know afterwards that when Moti Baba came before BABA, the first words he uttered were, "Now let them eat, feed them.”


BABA continued his work with the masts, one of the first to be contacted being a Moslem. After a good deal of walking through lanes and by-lanes bearing names which were as difficult to remember as to pronounce, BABA contacted this mast inside the house of a Hindu family who, though unaware of BABA’s identity, readily allowed him to go in. Afterwards the mast came out and passed before BABA’s men. He was a robust man of over sixty years, and although a Moslem, he was loved and revered by the people in the locality, which was predominantly Hindu. He appeared to be very happy after his meeting with BABA.


The only other mast whom BABA particularly wanted his men to see was Arabshah. He was found living in the small out-building of a public school in the Dock area at the other end of Madras. According to BABA, Moti Baba and Arabshah were the best amongst the masts in Madras. Although BABA contacted a number of masts it was observed that the main object of this trip to Madras concerned particular types of masts, and not just masts in general.


Part Nine: Andhra Outburst of Love and Devotion.


The river Godaveri,* which originates in the hills near Nasik in the Western State of Bombay, has its estuary in Andhra Pradesh on the Eastern shores of India. Two of the richest districts of Andhra are divided from each other by this river and are called the West and the East Godaveri Districts. Together with about eight other districts they form a large and compact Telegu-speaking area, almost midway between Madras and Calcutta, on India’s vast east coast. At the moment Andhra forms part of Madras State, but it is shortly to become one of the autonomous states of the Republic of India.


Due to the devotion, for over twelve years, of a few Andhra men who are very rich in their love for BABA as their Master, Andhra had already made its mark on the illimitable map of BABA’s special world. Since 1947 BABA had been repeatedly invited to bless with his presence their homes and their public activities concerned with his cause, but it was not till the time of the congregation held at Meherabad in November, 1952, that a definite plan


*spelled 'Godavri' in Lord Meher-webmaster, 2006




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