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rigidity and regularity of mechanical meditation. It therefore becomes not only spontaneous and inspiring, but easy and successful.




Since intelligent meditation consists in thorough thinking about a particular subject, it follows that the best help for meditation would be a brief and clear exposition of the object of meditation. SHRI MEHER BABA, therefore, offers to the world a concise exposition of the Divine Theme, which comprises the whole story of creation, as well as a complete account of the Path and Goal of Self-realization. The aspirants can intelligently read the exposition and assimilate the sublime truths which it embodies.


The process of meditation which SHRI MEHER BABA recommends has three stages:


1. In the first stage, the aspirant will have to read the exposition daily, and simultaneously think about it thoroughly.


2. In the second stage, actual reading would become unnecessary, but the subject matter of the exposition will be mentally revived and thought over constantly.


3. In the third stage, it will be quite unnecessary for the mind to revive the words or the thoughts in the exposition separately and consecutively, and all discursive thinking about the subject-matter will come to an end. At this stage of meditation, the mind will no longer be occupied with any trains of thought, but will have a clear, spontaneous and intuitive perception of the sublime Truth, which is expressed in the exposition.




The difficulties which the aspirants experience in connection with medit­ation are either (a) due to the unwieldiness or vagueness of the subject-matter of meditation, or (b) due to some flaw in the method which makes it mechanical or uninspiring, or (c) due to the fact that the method of meditation is not adapted to the subject-matter of meditation. The form of meditation which SHRI MEHER BABA recommends avoids all these causes which vitiate meditation, and make it unsuccessful.


SHRI MEHER BABA has thus offered to the world of aspirants a new and beautiful form of meditation, in which the process of meditation as well as its subject-matter are specially adapted to the requirements of intelligent




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