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man and not a dog. It is not for him a matter of doubt, belief, self-delusion or guess-work; it is a matter of supreme and unshakable certainty, which needs no external corroborations and remains unaffected by the contradiction of others, because it is based upon continuous Self-knowledge. His spiritual certainty is incapable of being challenged by any one or anything. He cannot think of himself as anything but God, just in the same way that an ordinary man cannot think of himself as anything except man. But the ordinary man thinks himself to be what he is not, in reality; whereas the God-realized knows himself to be what he is, in reality.
God-realization is the very goal of all creation. All earthly pleasure, howsoever great, is but a fleeting shadow of the Eternal Bliss of God-realization; all mundane knowledge, howsoever comprehensive, is but a distorted reflection of the Absolute Truth of God-realization; all human might, howsoever imposing, is but a fragment of the Infinite Power of God-realization. All that is noble, beautiful and lovely, all that is great and good and inspiring in the universe is just an infinitesimal fraction of the Unfading and Unspeakable Glory of God-realization.
The Eternal Bliss, the Absolute Truth, the Infinite Power, and the Unfading Glory of God-realization, are not to be had for nothing. The individualized soul has to go through all the travail of the pain and struggle of evolution and successive reincarnations before it can inherit this Treasure, which is hidden at the heart of creation; and the price which ith as to pay for coming into possession of this Treasure is its own existence as a separate ego. The limited individuality must disappear entirely if there is to be an entrance into the Unlimited State of God-hood. In the ordinary man of the world the limited individuality, which is identified with a finite name and form, predominates and creates a veil of ignorance on the God within; and if this ignorance is to disappear, the limited individual has to surrender his own limited existence. When he goes from the scene without leaving a vestige of his limited life, what remains is God. The surrenderance of limited existence is the surrenderance of a firmly rooted delusion of having a separate existence. It is not the surrenderance of anything real; it is a surrenderance of the false and the inheritance of the Truth.
When a person is crossing the inner planes and is going towards God-realization, he becomes successively unconscious of the gross, subtle and
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