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securing supplies, supervising the preparation and the cooking of the food. In all this she was ably assisted by Savak Kotwal, who stayed at the Retreat with us and saw that everything ran smoothly. Savak rose at 4 a.m., awakened the servants at 4:30, and retired after we did, which was usually by 10:30 p.m., although some of us were occasionally working until midnight. The sanitary arrangements and our general health were in charge of Dr. Donkin, who came up every morning with sprays of various kinds and insecticides and other necessary supplies.
Nothing that could reasonably contribute to our comfort or well-being was overlooked. Baba proved Himself to be a perfect host as well as a Perfect Master.
What follows is a day-by-day account of what happened externally, from the morning of September 12th to the evening of September 30th, when we left Meherabad for Bombay and our journey home. Actually, what happened externally was only important as a manifestation of the loving care with which we were treated by Baba on down to the humblest of the servants. Even the teaching that Baba gave us, on which He spent hours of careful exposition, was relatively unimportant. Actually, it was a diversion intended to satisfy our intellects while Baba worked on the deeper levels of our consciousness. As Baba said, during a relatively small darshan program which He gave on the afternoon of September 26th, to take care of some 2,500 people who had missed the large Mass Darshan of the 12th, "No explanations or discourses can compare with this personal contact." And we, for some reason known only to Baba, were privileged to live in intimate association with Him for three wonderful weeks!
Sunday, September 12
In response to Meher Baba's invitation to attend His important meetings at Meherabad in September, 1954, we seventeen men disciples and devotees of Baba from Europe, Australia and America arrived at Meherabad late in the evening of September 11th.
Arising early in the morning of the 12th, we were transported shortly after eight o'clock to Wadia Park in Ahmednagar, where Baba's last mass darshan was to be held. On our arrival at the gaily-decorated park, we were
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