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paintings which she had executed under Baba's direction, and three photographs of Baba, as a boy, as a young man in college, and in the "Prem-Ashram" days.
"From tomorrow on," Baba began, after the pictures had been shown, "I want you all to think exclusively of Me for a half hour every day for seven days. You should each sit aloof from the others, and select your own spot, close your eyes and just try to bring Baba's figure before your mind's eye. If you find that you can not do that, then just look at My picture and mentally repeat 'Baba.' If thoughts bother you, don't be concerned; let them come and go, but try your best to keep Baba's figure clearly in your mind's eye. Select spots where you will not be disturbed. One-half hour, silent contemplation, for seven days beginning from tomorrow. Is there anyone who wants to ask about this?"
Lud asked what to do about mosquitoes! Baba said we could get under our mosquito nets.
"You must be undisturbed. For seven days, for a half hour a day, in Baba's atmosphere, I want you to do this whole-heartedly. From 9 to 9:30 a.m. daily, on the 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th. From the 26th I will not be available, as I will have many things to attend to for the meetings."
Baba then called Savak and told him to see that we were undisturbed during this half-hour meditation. Turning to us, He concluded His remarks on this subject by saying, "Do it so whole-heartedly that I must feel it here," and He pointed to His heart.
"I will only give points today—no explanation. Tomorrow, if time permits, I will explain about God and the Universe, Reality and Illusion, the One and the Many, Substance and Shadow, Everything and Nothing, Knowledge and Ignorance, and the gap between the seven descents and the seven ascents.
"Christ and His inner circle, and the Christian mystics, all stressed purity of heart. Mohammed and His Imams also stressed purity of heart. So did Zoroaster and the Magi; so did Krishna and His companions, and the Vedantists. So does Baba stress purity of heart. Today we shall see what this means—what the heart is—what the mind is. Is it only the
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