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"I used to say to the Mandali," said Baba, "that in God's work Maya always opposes: it is necessary. just as illusion is necessary for the realization of God, so Maya's force in opposing God's work gives strength to the work. The greater the opposition from Maya, the better the result.
"Before the mass darshan on the 12th, Ahmednagar had had a record rainfall. Sarosh came to Me to say that if the rain did not stop, the darshan would have to be postponed. I said, what God wants will happen. When the weather changed, it was thought to be Baba's miracle! That is absolute nonsense. I do not say this to display humility: it is a fact. I said that I did not mind the rain. God may want rain, but the meeting will be held. If it rains, they will get wet, they will have to change, and I will have to change. The meetings on the 29th and 30th will be the first and last meetings of the kind. As the day approaches for these meetings the burden is lowering on My head, just as the clouds lower in the sky. If you don't keep your health it will be an additional burden." Baba goes on to give advice and orders.
"I sometimes seem to be speaking at random, but I am really working elsewhere.
"When you say 'I am ill, I am hungry, I am old, I am young, or I am not hungry and do not want this food' and so on, when you use all these I, I, I's, recollect that when your hands or legs are cut off, your 'I' remains the same; whatever happens you remain the same. This means that the 'I' is not the body. Why identify yourself with the body? Yet for 24 hours a day you do so. Will used to say, 'I am thirsty.' He now says in old age, 'I am better.' If that were true it would mean that Will was the same limited body.
“'Aham' means identification with the false. Why do we do this? Even when we understand, we still identify. Why? The 'I' is not the body, nor the eating nor the quarreling one. For ages the unlimited Self has been in illusion, because consciousness and intellect were not developed. In the human form consciousness and intellect are developed, but there is identification with illusion because of the habits of ages. Hafiz says: ‘You, who do not come out of this age-long habit of being ignorant, can never realize the Self as infinite.'
"It is truly said that God has no beginning and no end. Think this over. If He had no beginning, what was there before God? The answer is, God. You can not in imagination reach where no beginning was. The answer can
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