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of the pilgrimage to hear the Kirtan* of Gadge Maharaj. It was therefore arranged that at about 9:30 that night Gadge Maharaj would take Baba to his Kirtan .


In the meantime Baba was in the midst of his intimate lovers, enjoying devotional songs composed by them in praise of the Avatar of the Age.


At the appointed time a messenger came with word that Gadge Maharaj would like Baba to come to the dharmashala, as he wished personally to take Baba to the spot where the Kirtan was in progress.


Gadge Maharaj is now too old to conduct the Kirtan by himself, therefore his devotees appointed by him, conduct the Kirtan under his teaching and guidance. The Maharaj is about 85 years old, and the last 50 years which he has devoted wholeheartedly to inculcating the devotional aspect in the hearts of the countless poor and downtrodden have greatly affected his health in general. Though he still appears strong and very active, the stress and strain of the hard life he leads have now begun to weigh on his advanced age.


When the car stopped at the dharmashala, Baba asked Gadge Maharaj to come and sit beside him and he very reverentially obeyed. As the car proceeded, the Maharaj confessed to Baba that his joy knew no bounds at being with him that day. Baba conveyed through gestures that he too felt very happy. He patted Gadge Maharaj on the back and caressed him lovingly. Reciprocating this gesture, Gadge Maharaj nestled close to Baba, like a child who seeks his mother's love and protection. It was a wonderful sight to see the old saint sitting thus beside Baba; it appeared as if he had at long last laid down the burden of his strenuous life at the feet of his Beloved, and was—in the real sense and for the first time—relaxing from care.


When Baba and his party arrived, the Kirtan was already in progress. Gadge Maharaj's chief disciple, Kaikadi Maharaj, was standing on a huge pile of sand which served as a platform and was addressing, over the mike, tens of thousands of pilgrims who were seated on the bank of the river, listening in rapt attention. Baba was conducted slowly through the crowd by Gadge Maharaj to this improvised platform which was, in spite of the moonlit night, brightly lit by electric lights to enable all those present


*Spiritual song.




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