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“Are you worrying?"
"I don't think so."
"Be happy. Don't worry. I will help you."
In this first hour, Baba brought us toward the Spiritual Path with a positive thought and an invitation. Next morning, Baba was giving us light services to do, seemingly unimportant, but, in these services, we found an inexpressible joy and happiness.
This spontaneous desire to serve Baba must have been our unconscious response to Baba's Infinite Love which was so soon to awaken in us a kindred love for him.
But it was not sufficient to help plan meals, arrange interviews, excursions, and such active service for Baba. Baba seemed to have a deeper spiritual experience he wanted to share with the group before leaving them so shortly for America—to strengthen their love for him.
And Baba would occasionally call the group together and ask for music. Indian "qawwali" music is one hundred per cent spiritual. We, in turn, found some negro spirituals on incidents in the life of Jesus. These had their own appeal to the heart and the emotions and, as we sat and listened with Baba, we experienced a deep warmth of love. My experience can be most truly expressed in the words of Pir Fazl Shah, an adept Pilgrim who, on seeing Baba, said, “No one, until you came, has touched my heart with the arrow of Divine Love."
It was shortly after this that Baba called me to his room and spelt out on his board, "Which is greater, my love for you or your love for me?" I hesitated. I could not answer. Today—twenty years later, I know.
C. B. Purdom, in his book, "The Perfect Master," has expressed this phase of Baba's work very beautifully as follows:
"These tears are not ordinary crying. They are not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy; they are indeed a spiritual gift for the purification of the soul and happy are they who experience them, for such tears are emotional experiences, for they warm the heart and the warm tender heart is the vehicle of the spiritual experience and the condition of the creative act."
Baba, many years later, speaking of the yogis in India, told us that even the great yogis with long beards who, sitting in caves and mountains, are
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