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I cannot and I shall not ever forget the first time He embraced me within His loving arms. It was a most unforgettable feeling—so comforting, so peaceful, so delightful that my gratitude for this supreme privilege was of such indescribable feeling that the tears welled up and overflowed with joy and happiness. I loved Him and didn't want to take my arms away from Him, I wanted more and more of His embracing.


Baba is all Divine Love and He loves all. For those who will take His love, He has more opportunity to give them of His love. Those who do not love Him He loves and blesses, but if they will not take His love, they do not give it a chance to be received by them. He does not ask them to accept some dogma, but in the spirit of humility they obey the God in their hearts. Baba gives more as they will take, or accept, or receive more. We limit love —not He!


Baba will go to any extreme of physical exertion to find and awaken those souls with sincere or utmost yearning for God-Realization.


During the twenty days of our stay at the Ashram, every day we looked forward to Baba's coming to see us. We were like youngsters waiting for our Father to come home. Our eyes fixed on the road, anxious to see His blue car approaching, we trooped down to the gate to meet Him. We were so reluctant for Him to leave us we went to the gate with Him and watched and watched until His car disappeared from sight. I was so elated by His presence, so inspired and uplifted by His discourses, I couldn't spare a moment away from Him while it was possible to be with Him.


Divine consciousness is ever flowing through Him, but with such delightful simplicity that it would not overwhelm a child and yet it is beyond the deepest mind to fathom it. We wanted to absorb Him. The vastness of His Divine Mind and Love are so scientific, with such intricate laws, and serious and great as He is, yet He couples all this with such humor that it produces joy in the heart and a perfect picture to the mind. The heart becomes the mind's eye to observe the perfect actions of the Perfect Master, which are subtle, silent, and yet so forceful.


A living Avatar is Self-Realized from Unconscious Divinity to Conscious Divinity; functioning in all planes of existence, with all the directness and accuracy in full harmony of Divine Law and Love; manifesting a dynamic force in all His activities; having the power of Eternal Truth. He is a complete blending of God and man states. This is Baba, "The Highest of the High."




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