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should never feel angry. This is impossible, and were it possible, then there would be no question left of any renunciation. If there is no anger, then what is there to control? And similarly, if there are no thoughts of lust or greed, no check or control would be necessary, for the desires would no longer be there.


External renunciation is not advocated. For the West particularly, it is impractical and inadvisable. Renunciation should be mental or internal, which means giving up of desires and passions. One should live in the world, perform all legitimate duties and yet feel mentally detached from everything. One should be in the world, yet not of it. But for those few who insist from the very depth of their souls and the innermost cores of their hearts, on seeing Reality actually face to face, at all costs and consequences, and yet cannot achieve internal renunciation, there is but one way, and that is complete external renunciation, which means forsaking all possessions and properties and tearing up all outer connections.


The shortest and easiest way toward God-realization is that of the seeker who has the good fortune to be accepted as a disciple by a Perfect Master. Only a Perfect Master, who is the veritable incarnation of Divinity, can awaken in the individual the fire of Divine Love, which consumes in its flames the lesser desires of the body, mind and world, all of which must be completely relinquished before Perfection can be realized. The only requirement is complete surrender to His supreme will, perseverance, love, courage and trust in Him.


One of the best and easiest ways of overcoming the ego, and of attaining Divine or Christ-Consciousness, is to purify and deepen our love, and widen continually the circle of those we love, and to render selfless service to humanity at large, to the best of one's ability. But that alone is real service, where there is no thought of self at all. Selfless service may not only bring one to the mystical mountain, the summit of which is Self-realization, but may enable one to ascend a large part of it, just as it may not only bring one into contact with a Perfect Master, but may drive one to surrender to Him.


Although absolutely selfless service is possible only to Perfect Masters, spiritually imperfect, but sincere persons, must do their level best to be as selfless as possible. All ethical and religious practices ultimately lead up to this. Our animal desires are gradually sublimated if we live more for others




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