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World No. 4 contains .................................................................... Stones, wind, metals and water


World No. 5 contains............................... contains Stones, wind, metals, water and vegetables


World No. 6 contains .............................. Stones, wind, metals, water, vegetables and animals


World No. 7 contains.. Stones, wind, metals, water, vegetables, animals and human beings


It is only the seventh world (A, B, C) that has human beings besides other forms. Of the three parts of this world, A, B, C, our earth is A; and the peculiarity of the seventh world is that only in its A part, that is, on our earth, a human being can realize God, owing to several reasons, the chief of which are:


(1) Our earth is nearest to the Creator-Point;


(2) Our earth and our earth alone is directly connected with mental and subtle worlds;


(3) It is only on our earth that it is possible for human beings to possess intellect and       love—head and heart—in equal proportions.


The inhabitants of the C part of the seventh world are extremely intelligent—far more intelligent than the human beings of our earth; so much so that they are capable of expressing their thoughts without gross means. The inhabitants of the B part are also more intelligent than the people of our world, but not so intelligent as those of C. But though A—our earth—is inferior from the standpoint of intellect to both B and C, it is certainly superior to them from the standpoint of love and high emotions. Whereas the inhabitants of C have one hundred per cent intellect and zero per cent love, and those of B have seventy-five per cent intelligence and twenty-five per cent love, the people of our earth have, on an average, intelligence and love in equal proportions. When one, subduing intellect, gets one hundred per cent love, one realizes God.


When the Atman leaves its highest form in C, it takes the highest form in B; and after giving it up in B, it incarnates in the highest form on our earth. Therefore, evolution, strictly speaking, ends on our earth, but the Atman has to go on reincarnating in the human form till it knows itself; i.e., till God is realized.




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