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'which they and all other aspirants have to undergo before reaching their final destination.' This is not correct. The Avatar does not go through involution (i.e., from Plane to Plane like the aspirant), and though He experiences the Fourth Plane, it is for quite different reasons.


"The Avatar, with His Universal Mind, can, through His own individual actions, effect a universal change or benefit. During His Avataric periods He, to put it in idiomatic parlance, gives a 'push' to GOOD and a 'kick' to EVIL. Although the Avatar is perpetually on all Planes, in order to refute Temptation, He stations Himself on the Fourth Plane, and deliberately invites Evil, to give it a blow."


"Another point of interest, about Nirvana and Nirvikalpa (next to last line, p. 251) has been cleared up by Baba:


We must remember that Nirvana is the state of Ultimate Annihilation, when the finite ego completely vanishes. Nirvikalpa is the state when the disappearance of the finite ego is immediately and automatically succeeded by the Infinite "I" i.e., God-realization or "I am God" state, from which very few return as Jivanmukta or as Perfect Master.' "


Other corrections on the Conybeare book are:


Page 51, line 33: delete "and Sadgurus." They never reincarnate, having once attained to the God-state. Only the Avatar reincarnates to help humanity.


Page 94, line 16: delete "a disciple of Hazrat." Line 25: delete "head of the Caliphs" and substitute "a Perfect Master."


Page 113, line 31: Insert "Avatar Meher Baba" before "ki jai "


Page 199, line 23: delete from “at that" ... to “will occur." Insert: "Before I break My silence, or immediately thereafter, three-quarters of the world will be destroyed."


Page 238: delete the whole paragraph beginning, “This happens after the death," etc.


Page 163, line 33: For "Man slowed down," substitute "Mind slowed down."




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