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spontaneous urge to know Himself and ask 'Who am I?' The answer 'I am God' was already latent in His question 'Who am I?'
"Although God's decision of 'I am God' was inherent in His declaration of 'Who am I,' yet in order to manifest as the decision, the declaration had to pass through the intervening stages of clarification and confirmation. But just as the decision is inherent in the declaration, vacillation is equally inherent in the clarification and confirmation.
"The stage of clarification is therefore one of vacillation. In growing consciousness through evolution in the form of stone, vegetable, animal, etc., the declaration `Who am I' begins to be clarified through the counter question `Who am I not?' It is through the vacillating experience of 'I am not stone,’ ‘l am not this,’ ‘l am not that' that the soul eventually arrives at the only correct answer, 'I am God.'
"Before reaching perfection in human form, consciousness has to evolve through a definite period of time. There is no vacillation in the time factor of the clarification therefore, only in its events.
"Confirmation—the second intervening stage—is also one of vacillation, but in a different way. Evolved consciousness reaches its fullness in man, and instead of wavering between the various experiences of 'Who am I not? ' there is now the certainty of 'I am man' never for a moment does man doubt himself to be other than man.
"This 'I am'-ness, reached in the human form, is the apex of evolutionary consciousness—yet this full but false consciousness is only the beginning of the long journey towards the true Consciousness, God-consciousness or the consciousness of 'I am God.'
"On the one hand therefore the positive consciousness of 'I AM' is reached in the human form. On the other hand the Soul is still in quest of the real answer to Its original Question, and this quest expresses itself in man through various experiences, until he can finally say 'I am God.'
"Before the commencement of involution into God-consciousness, human consciousness is trapped in the treadmill of reincarnations for
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