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at Ahmednagar, India, is situated on a hill rising above a vast parched valley, which is brought to scenic life occasionally by the most grandiose sunrises and sunsets. On the plateau of the hill, during the monsoon or rainy season, wheat springs up, jawar, and later in the season, peanuts. At other times, the land lies fallow and is used for grazing.


The only visible structure to be seen in the far distance is the ruin of a tall tower built by Chand Bibi, daughter of the great Mogul Emperor, Shah Jehan, from the top of which this brave Queen of ancient days could see for hundreds of miles around. It is said that when her husband was killed in battle she sprang upon his white horse and turned the tide from defeat to victory.


At the foot of Meherabad Hill, bearing to the right, lies the village of Arangaon, intimately connected with Baba and His activities over a very long period. For help needed in the fields and for various inside work in both Lower and Upper Meherabad, the villagers were employed. All wanted to work for Baba in any capacity. The dispensary attached to the men's quarters in Lower Meherabad for the village folk buzzed with activity, as also the veterinary quarters where Padri treated sick animals brought from the surrounding villages.


Near the well alongside, that also supplied water to Upper Meherabad, lies buried the Mohammedan Saint, Hazrat Zaheb. As far back as 1922, this Saint drove over from Ahmednagar, six miles away, and drawing a circle with his stick on the ground, stated that this was the spot where he wished to be buried. His disciples could not understand why he should choose this lonely spot in preference to Ahmednagar where he was so well known. The Saint replied, "You are little children. You would not understand if I told you what great importance this place will bear. Very soon after I pass away, a great Master will come and establish His abode here." This prophecy was fulfilled two years later in 1924, when Meher Baba established the center for His activities now known as Meherabad.


A most interesting fact is that, within a short radius of Meherabad, lived the five Perfect Masters of our era, the first three being Baba's own Masters: Babajan of Poona, Upasni Maharaj of Sakori,



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