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and imagination. "God speaks"—"Thus I say unto you." A Master speaks Truth because He has become Truth; something the Pilates of this world can never understand.


Of His authority to speak, Baba says very little, and that indirectly; leaving it entirely to the judgment of history and the hearts of men. Yet to those of us who know and "follow" Him, perhaps the most fascinating portions of this great spiritual document are His statements on the unique position and function of the Avatar, and the unequivocal statement that He was, is, and always will be One and the Same, always Emmanu-El, 'God-with-us: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the End." In our humble opinion, this one fact alone should crash all the Jericho-walls of theological disputes and religious intolerance that divide mankind. If all men have been worshipping one and the same Avatar, under His different guises and names, His personal or impersonal aspects, all religions are One. Their differences are in the minds of men, not in the Divine Essence poured out by the Eternal Messenger. Here, truly, is the great 'thread' on which to string all separative religion-beads!


Also, in cutting through our jungle of ignorance concerning our own long-term spiritual evolution from the lowest to the highest with His shining sword of Realization, Baba has cut for us the through-way towards higher knowledge and understanding of ourselves and others. Surely, in so luminously outlining the route that all souls (atmas) must follow, our common heritage and brotherhood on the Path is made clear, and our compassion for others must follow. Every man has been everything—and every man will become Everything (God). There is no soul in existence which some day will not conquer Ignorance. There is hope, mercy and compassion for all written into the very law of life itself. No man is outside Life. No man is outside God, and no man can exclude another from God. Grace is not capricious—it is the destiny of every man. We are all that beginning Word, "Who Am I?" —we will all experience the final answer, "I am God."


In exact, succinct detail, with a repeated music reminiscent of the 'Diamond Sutras' of the Buddha, Baba outlines every step of the immeasurable journey of the soul to the Over-Soul, from stone




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