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The small Indian walked away and Baba stood before the tall one, and they looked at each other. I murmured something about wondering whether he spoke English, but no one paid any attention to me. The Indian disciples said nothing and in the back of my head I was thinking about the train. Suddenly Baba turned abruptly, again put my arm through his and we returned to the train just in time. The whole thing was so strange that I asked Baba if he knew that the Indian would be there and Baba nodded yes—and on his board he said, "One of my agents."*


In Hollywood, a large house had been taken for Baba and those accom­panying him, quiet and delightful. In all we were sixteen in number. Certain duties were given to each one. The housekeeping and marketing fell to me. This work kept me constantly in the kitchen, therefore I was deprived of seeing as much of Baba as the others, so I became very sad and jealous and shed many a bitter tear. The only comfort I had was to do my work to the best of my ability. I also was obliged to accept everything, so my pride was being tried to the utmost. All in all I was very miserable. Sometimes whilst crying to myself in the kitchen, I would feel a gentle pat on my shoulders—it was Baba. I would immediately become happy, but the misery of my jealousy and loneliness would creep back again and tears would follow, and so it went on for three weeks. Baba left us to return to India by way of the Pacific, and on the last day we each had a private talk with him. I cried as usual and he said to me on his board, "You have done faithfully and well a job you disliked, you have done more for yourself than you have any idea."


These words of praise from Baba washed away all the sad memories of the past three weeks. Then came the sad parting without knowing when we would see Baba again.


After two years, miracle of miracles, here I am in India with Baba, in the Meher Retreat at Nasik. Every thought has been given for the comfort of his Western disciples, so that they shall keep well and become acclimated and be happy, for Baba says, "How can one think of spiritual things if one is uncomfortable and obliged to think of the body."


Friends write and ask if there is a course of study that one follows, or if there are certain books that one should read, etc. There are no studies, nothing of that kind.


*This man was a "Conscious Agent," as explained in God Speaks.





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