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How can the rational mind, dependent for "data" on the physical senses only, understand His work on the inner spiritual planes? In addition, we must always remember Baba is also the Avatar, and as He said, "The whole burden falls on My shoulders." The greater portion of His work will never be known to us; even the highest saints catch only a glimpse of it. Did not beloved Sant Gadge Maharaj say, "I am small like a sparrow and Baba is magnificent like a Sun?"


Baba tells us the intellect is the lowest form of knowledge. Why try to understand such a great being with this limited tool? Let us strive for a higher knowledge, and perhaps get a glimpse of His "real work." We should always remember, too, that it is part of Baba's work to upset the intellect, the seat of man's overwhelming pride, and He often does things just to provoke and challenge our "reason."


For our ego is, of course, the biggest enemy of love. Baba wasn't joking when He told that newspaperman in London that His specialty was the "annihilation of the ego." It is nothing but the huge ego-mass that hides our beloved God from us. We must therefore be prepared for Baba's taking "cracks" at our particular ego—our particular wants, desires and expectations. He is the "ego specialist," and He knows just where to hit! Is it money? Is it pride in our work, our need to be praised for everything we do? Our love of the so-called "good life?" Our desire for samadhis and experiences? For miracles and healings? For that sought-after "perfect love"? Name and fame? Our expectation that others will always behave well towards us, meanwhile forgiving us all our faults? Our never-ceasing demand for love and attention? The need to be a leader, or for acceptance in a group? Pique at being criticized? All these are forms of ego and self-love.


You can be sure, in following Baba, you will be challenged on your weakest points—again and again. We have to increase our love for Him at the very moment He may be performing His biggest "ego operation" on us! But a good part of our love and faith in Him is in knowing He knows perfectly how much we can stand . . . what is spiritually necessary. Though this "spiritual" operation may be painful, in the end it will lead to that blissful state of the ego-less life. Where there is no ego, there is no suffering; it was only the ego that created all our suffering in life! Surrender to the Master "Ego-Surgeon," hang on to His Divine doctor-coat, for the one "miracle of all miracles" that He is rolling up His sleeves to do!




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