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Most of us see Baba, the man and personality. A few, through His grace, have caught a glimpse of Him as He really Is, as Arjuna glimpsed the Lord Krishna. They have had His "Real Darshan," as Baba calls it. Two such experiences are recounted here, in their own words, by the recipients.



By WALTER MERTENS                                                      A Noted Swiss Landscape Architect



"During the last day that I was with Shri Meher Baba at Cannes, in the beginning of my meditation on ‘Baba’s figure,' I saw first His different attitudes and ways of working. One moment He was near, earnest and great; at another, working, smiling or speaking with His eyes and fingers on His blackboard. He had not, as I generally saw Him, one special attitude, but I saw all the different aspects of His daily working.


"Then I saw how things, through His internal and external working, had been unfolded, and how all these knots of the physical, subtle and mental planes, which had been mixed up in my mind for years into a strong net of Maya without distinct form and without beginning or end, were now directed by His gentle hands.


"I saw how He had worked on me these days, gay and light as a bird or strong as an elephant, playing or ordering, controlling or leaving me free. But now all has become clear, simple and definite. How could it ever have been anything else? How, since my childhood, could all these elements have been mixed up in my mind, bringing me and my nearest ones so many thousands of troubles and sorrows throughout all these years?


"I saw His individual and universal game. His work is as high as the Himalayas, as deep as the ocean, as wide as the world of stars, or as small as the point of a needle. Whether one sees Him as conducting an orchestra of all instruments, or as Himself an instrument, or as a flower, or as any other created thing, His Conscious Spirit pervades everything. I saw BABA, CHRIST, BUDDHA AS ONE, and I, myself, was pervaded with that Spirit. I was quite detached from the normal world and, at the same time, absolutely clear and conscious of my body, and of my position in the room and of my surroundings. I felt that His personal conscious Spirit (being absolutely of Baba's special color and at the same time Christ's and Buddha's) was One Golden Light consciously working and pervading everything in creation.




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