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mood than before. Many were the times on this trip that Baba made such spiritual contacts in person.
Many testify to Baba's amazing powers of continued work. Baba himself implies that work is his element—that for which he has come. As we all know, Baba works at specified periods with the masts (God-intoxicated souls), the poor and the masses; but to be with Baba on tour is to see him bent on another work—that of making ever-fresh contacts, be it with man, woman or child. Standing at the railway station, walking by the road-side, driving in the car, or standing at the gate, Baba, with his infinite insight and vigilant eye, never misses that soul ready to be awakened or helped by the Master's push . . . visible to us perhaps, only by his direct "look" at the person. He may use one of his mandali to bring about a more personal contact in a natural way, not infrequently asking them to hand over some personal belongings for the erstwhile stranger. On occasion Baba will part with a coat or scarf of his own. Baba has explained that there is a spiritual power and blessing that goes with gifts from the Master, the gift being only the vehicle by which they are carried. After such contacts, Baba's mood is visibly gay and joyful.
Another very noticeable characteristic in Baba is his great concentration on the work at hand, or on several projects in turn, his intention never flagging even when physically weary.
You never saw him "absent," unless working on inner planes; nor neglecting the matter at hand for the one next on the agenda, yet he was capable of a lightning-swift switch from one to the other, when the time came. If one did bring up a matter not appropriate to the hour or the day, as I was apt to do, he would quietly but kindly reject it with a smile or look, without making one feel either self-conscious or stupid. On the other hand, he was very quick to seize an opportunity or act on a suggestion when the right moment had come. Hence we seldom knew beforehand what our next move might be for a change of plan was so frequent. We lived in the eternal NOW. Yet there were times when Baba encouraged us to sit back and relax, be spontaneous, and talk at random of "shoes and ships and sealing-wax and things," as Alice in Wonderland would say.
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