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Marion Florsheim was appointed by Baba to make the necessary arrangements for round-the-world travel for Baba's party of five, and for their stay in New York; and to collect sufficient funds for this purpose, with the cooperation of all devotees here in America, also keeping all those interested informed as to plans.
The momentous news and plan were broached by Mr. and Mrs. Florsheim to all at Baba's birthday party given at their home February 25th. All present unanimously agreed to help in every way possible, and felt it was the Master's way of putting our love and longing to the test, to see just how much effort each one of us would be willing to make to bring the Beloved once again to our shores.
In a short time the formal "Meher Baba Hospitality Committee in New York" got under way, with Marion Florsheim as Chairman and Fred Winterfeldt as Vice-Chairman. By-laws were evolved and an advisory board of 7 elected. Members were drawn from active devotees in the New York area and other coordinating Hospitality Committees were set up locally in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Elizabeth Patterson); Los Angeles (Ruth White); Ojai (Agnes Baron); and San Francisco (Lud Dimpfl). A publicity committee, under Ivy Duce and Don Stevens, was formed, for in contrast to His 1952 visit, the Master does not seem adverse to publicity about His visit. The London group (Will Backett and others), Switzerland (Hedi Mertens) and Australia (Francis Brabazon) were active with their own plans to receive the Master.
On March 29th, we heard that Baba had moved the date of His visit ahead to July 17th. Meanwhile, donations and pledges had come in to the Hospitality Fund from Baba-lovers and friends everywhere, though, as we go to press, still more is needed to complete the necessary amount to make this wondrous trip possible.* Harry Florsheim devised a map, with Baba's proposed world tour outlined in gold, dotted with a red tack (donations) and a green tack (pledges) which have slowly moved forward around the globe. The green tack (pledges) has "brought" Baba almost to Australia, His last stop on His round-the-world Mission of Love and Mercy. The true "Awakener" of our hearts is coming once again—to awaken us to the Divine Reality—may we be ready to receive Him!
*Communicate with Marion Florsheim, Chairman, Meher Baba Hospitality Committee, 3511 85th St., Jackson Heights, New York 72,
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