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The private interviews commenced. Interviews were given to all members of the Melbourne group and lasted till nearly 11:30 a.m., when it was the luncheon break for Baba and party. The Melbourne and Sydney group were told to go home for the rest of the day. A meeting was arranged for the evening at the home of Mrs. O'Keefe for the Melbourne group to hear the latest unpublished messages of Meher Baba read by Francis Brabazon. The next meeting with Baba was called for 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning and to bring all the children.


For the Sunday afternoon, August 10th, it had been arranged and agreed that Baba would visit the five homes that had been offered for His stay in Melbourne. All who wished to follow in their cars were invited. This gave Baba and the mandali an extensive tour of the eastern suburbs and outer areas of Melbourne. We had all gone to great efforts to have our homes as beautiful as possible for this honor. At one of the homes, Baba played marbles with the children, and listened to some music played for Him. My home at Ringwood was one of the five to be visited. My son, Bill, and daughter, Jean, were with me when Baba and party arrived; I welcomed Him and introduced Him to my children. He warmly embraced us and said He would like to see all the rooms.


He went into each room and looked around; when He was in the sun room, which is used as a study, sewing room and bedroom for Jean when she is at home (as she is a nursing sister at Royal Melbourne Hospital) He gave the sign of Perfection (thumb and forefinger forming a circle). In each room He stayed a few minutes, saying it was a great blessing to have His Presence in my home. They would not stay for any refreshment as they had one more home to visit at Eltham, and then had to be back at Dr. O'Brien's at five. As we made our farewells, He took and stroked my children's hands; then we were waving to the departing cars. A King of Kings had come to our quiet suburb, had passed through my home and garden. There was no fanfare or banners flying. It was His wish that it be so; but the living memory of Baba's visit will never fade. The pink camellias I had decorated the living room with are still alive and glowing as I write this, three and a half weeks after the visit.


The sun shone again on Monday morning as the cars with the Melbourne group and their children arrived at Camberwell at 8:30 a.m. The adults gathered in Baba's Presence again. He asked several members how




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