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In the domain of churchism and the organizational activity referred to, there has been a tendency to raise aloft a banner with an appropriate, sometimes unique, name or idea around which the members of the group can rally and behind which the adherents can and do become zealous in their attachment and sometimes fanatic in their hero worship. This emotional adoration frequently becomes a submission to dictation and to the phantom pattern of "follow the leader" in whatever he says and does, without regard to whether he is right or wrong.
The dissident, divergent views and the woeful, irreligious lack of harmony in supposedly spiritual fellowships present a chaotic state of affairs which becomes fertile soil for the unrestricted prosperity of false prophets, whose primary objective is to capitalize on an idea and to exploit a group of people for the sake of private gain or personal aggrandizement. They sow the seeds of separativeness, encourage greed and avarice, promote selfish striving behind the "holier than thou" attitude, foster strife and dissension among peoples, and foment wars among nations. For have we not had, throughout the history of civilization—even to the present day—racial and religious persecution of majority against minority, and the exploitation of the weak by the self-styled strong? One look at this troubled, mixed-up world and its history will convince anyone of this complex phenomenon—for such it is.
All of these forms of expression are, of necessity, practiced from the exoteric frame of reference. They provide a convenient label for the purpose of "identification" and satisfy the individual's longing for "SECURITY," for now, as a conformist, "he belongs" by reason of identifying himself with this very group.
If we identify ourselves then, as: "I am an American," "I am an Indian," "I am a Russian"; or as: "I am a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or a Buddhist," or as a Catholic or a Protestant, we are regressing into the abyss of delusion where we have been floundering for thousands of years—in the realm of separation, strife, discord, and finally war and destruction. This condition is the very opposite of the expressed teachings of all religions.
Now then, in our quest for TRUTH, since we have reached the mid-twentieth century, on this micro-cosmic, terrestrial sphere, and are even NOW ushering in the NEW—the AQUARIAN—AGE, let us transcend the narrow scope of this exoteric, limited horizon and rise to a loftier level
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