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His salutation. Inside He could just be recognized through a narrow opening in the customs exit, after which He came outside, with His embrace and greetings for each individual.
After the luggage had been loaded into the four waiting cars, we followed Baba in a silent journey along the highway to London, for our guests had had no sleep en route, and Baba, none for three days, and He was weary. Meherji told us in our car he hoped that Baba's rooms at the Hotel Rubens were secluded and also that in spite of the fatigue and heavy "work" during seclusion and fasting, Baba had insisted on washing the feet of twenty-five aged persons at Satara, en route to Bombay. Meherji said only one other thing: "I have forgotten to pay the porter who brought my luggage out." At the hotel later, he repeated this to another friend but added, "I have missed an opportunity," the opportunity which a tip affords for passing on silently the Master's love to a recipient.
Although Baba's car left the airport first, it was last at the hotel when others joined to greet Him on arrival. Then we saw Him standing at the back of the crowded lift, a rather tired, pathetic figure amidst the other hotel guests, and an eloquent tribute to that humility with which perfection is garbed.
From His room Baba sent a message that He would see those who had been waiting for Him, a privilege none expected as we had been told that Baba would go straight to His own room for the night after the exhausting journey. Then the group who had met Him at the airport were also invited and greatly cheered to see Him again in His rooms, with the promise of personal interviews at 9:30 next morning.
In the meantime many early devotees from 1931 on were meeting Baba's four companions and others from the Continent in the hotel, renewing the happiness and deepened understanding of those earlier days when Baba had entered our lives to become both their center and circumference. The same lightheartedness prevailed in His anteroom next morning, awaiting the interviews in which Baba reveals His unfailing wisdom and love, adjusting our vision to the Reality of the present in the perspective of the past and the unknown future. How patiently He adjusts His approach and response to each one, to the sorely perplexed and harassed business man in financial stress, and the young and the old in all states of life.
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