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Continuing . . .    from Volume 4 Number 2 Page 39



By Fills Frederick


Monday, July 23rd, New York City



At around 9 a.m. Baba called a few of us to His room. He said He had been locked up for months in seclusion and now we have kept Him locked up in the hotel and He would like to go out! Someone suggested a sight-seeing tour of New York and Baba agreed, inviting all those present to go along, plus a few more only, as the bus was not large enough. Actually this turned out to be our happiest bus ride on the whole tour, because it was the only one when we had Baba with us. Baba reminded us all to be at the hotel early the following morning for the ride to the airport.


The interviews began again for the third day. We had the large reception hall again, which was fortunate as this was the most crowded day of all. (About 700 people all told saw Baba in New York.) As usual, some had brought Him gifts, such as flowers, clothes they had made for Him, candy and sweets. Two women brought Him small sculptures they had made of Him. Another woman brought Baba a baby chinchilla in a box, and Baba, blessing it, said it would incarnate as a human being in its next life for having come to Him. Another girl brought Baba a sick robin. A boy brought Him a large oil portrait he had painted of Baba. Baba held it in His hands and blessed it; later He took it to His room.


Around 11 o'clock we were all called into Baba's interview room. Cameramen from NBC-TV were going to take a short film of Baba. We were getting used to it now and quickly formed a semi-circle about Baba's divan seated on the floor. A few newcomers stepped up to Baba and had their interview before us all. Don read the message "Deathless Living" in which the Master tells us:


"Life is a positive manifestation of the True Existence which negative death cannot extinguish. To end the ceaseless succession of lives and deaths, death itself has to be annihilated in life."


Baba then went on to "say," using His own gesture language as interpreted by Eruch, squatting Indian-fashion beside Baba:


It is the birthright of every human being to be happy, but most feel miserable. It is due to the load of sanskaras or impressions gathered throughout evolution. In our evolution through all the forms, stone, worm,




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