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"His children" and to give us His wondrous smile now and again and to urge us to eat the sweets which were passed around. His fingers again worked rapidly as we stalled in Times Square traffic. A policeman felicitously let the bus turn left on a red light and we were home again at the Delmonico.
At 7 p.m. the same evening, Baba called a brief meeting of the Meher Baba Hospitality Committee in His room. Marion Florsheim read her financial report and asked Baba what He wished done with the small balance. Baba said that during His seclusion, he did not accept money or give money. Marion then asked about the welfare of the women mandali, should Baba drop His body.
He replied that He may drop His body during His next five months of seclusion but not to worry about His dropping the body, but to worry about loving Him. He added that everything He has said in His Declaration would come to pass just as He said. Dr. Deshmukh, He told us, once was weeping over His coming humiliation, and Baba said, "Why do you always think about My humiliation, and not about My glorification?"
Baba finished: "You must be happy. You have just had a bus ride with Me. I am the Center of the Universes" (here He emphasized the “s” and made a dot and circle in His left palm with His forefinger). "While I was with you on the bus I was working everywhere. You have no idea how I suffer. Everything in the universe comes to Me. At the same time I feel bliss. Christ suffered humanly on the cross but His bliss was unbroken."
He hinted that after He stepped out of His year's seclusion (on February 15th, 1957) He would have a big mass darshan at Bombay and then call a big meeting. He would call some of the Western women as well as men . . . "Every one in this room." He then turned and asked several of them if they would go if He called them. All gave an eager and positive response. He then added, "If some of you, after you do your best, cannot make it, don't worry!"— making His characteristic gesture of "not worrying"—bringing His right hand high above His head and letting it fall. He again told us not to worry on the forthcoming trip but be happy to have His "sahavas'' or divine company and not to think of His dropping the body. He said when we got to San Francisco He would give instructions about the balance in the Fund. After each of us had received a warm embrace, we left. Early the next morning the party of 44 who were making the complete
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