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By Meher Baba; Narrated and Edited by Don Steven
It is fitting that after "God Speaks" comes "Listen, Humanity!" Meher Baba is "the Silent One," yet, how he has enlivened our hearts and minds through the years by his incomparable teachings and messages! Sometimes the shortest are the most poignant, as: "It is Love alone which can lift the veil between a lover and the Beloved. Believe me, you and I remain divided by nothing but the veil of you, yourself!" Or, "From the beginning of all beginnings, I have been saying, I say it now, and to the end of ends I will say it, that he who loves God, becomes God ."
There are hundreds of such spiritual gems in this fat, new book about Baba and by Baba. lovingly put together by Don Stevens at Baba's own request. Don was one of the few lucky Westerners to be present at the Indian Sahavas meetings in November, 1955. His lively, humorous, and vivid report of the meetings, complete with Baba's intimate talks to the "sahavasis," comprises the first section of his book. The second section is taken up by Meher Baba's discourses on a variety of fascinating spiritual subjects, many not touched on in previous material; such as the different types of death and their reaction on the individual: how we reincarnate; the various types of yoga; the true meaning of sleeping and waking, the art of spiritual freedom, the emerging new humanity, and so forth, all dictated by Baba at various periods but woven by Don into consecutive reading order. These discourses will appeal more immediately to the reader than the more difficult cosmology of "God Speaks" and in fact are excellent supplementary reading to that great work.
In the third section, Don tackles the "prickly" subject of Baba's Avatarhood or Christhood, and comes off surprisingly well. By presenting his own personal viewpoint, rather than lofty clichés, he stimulates interest—dissension surely—but a lively awareness at least. Since all Baba-lovers get this question "thrown" at them frequently, it is good to see how one batter-up returns the ball. Don has wisely quoted Baba’s own statements on the subject, especially his messages “The Highest of the High” and the three 1954 Darshan Messages, first published by The Awakener. We wish, however, he had included more from Baba’s discourse, “The Avatar.”
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