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"I want you all to listen very carefully to what I say. It appears so simple, yet it is so very important for My lovers. To love Me is to lose yourself in Me, and to find Me as your own Self is to leave all your pleasures and pains to Me. What does that mean?"


A feminine voice answered, "Very simple—just leave everything to Baba!"


"Everything!" Baba emphasized. And—remain happy! Leave your pleasures to Me—leave your pains to Me―and then you remain free! But it is a great thing, a difficult thing. Say you have three children and all three of them die at one stroke. Naturally―what can you say? You must not only say, but feel—‘I leave all this to Baba. It is His wish, it is must pleasure.'


"Kabir said a nice thing. This morning when I was strolling here, I asked Eruch to write it down." Eruch, and then Adi, repeated the verse in Hindi. Then Eruch said:


"Kabir was a Perfect Master. All over India, people revere Him and love Him. He said this to His own Master. I will give you the English translation. Baba translated it this morning:



‘Nothing that I have belongs to me

All that I have belongs to You.
What will I lose if I surrender to You
What belongs to You?'


Baba continued: "That is what I want to tell My lovers: your pains and your pleasures—leave them all to Me."


The rain had begun; soon large hail stones were falling. Baba motioned that we should try to leave the place early. A few did leave at this point. During the storm, Baba left His chair and got up, walked about restlessly. He stepped out on the verandah and we could watch His fingers vibrate in the air. Then He sat down again. Presently, Kitty came into say the TV men were at the airport.


He then continued, telling us the TV men had come and had "brought the rain with them." Speaking of the meeting the next day, Baba said:


"When you are here, I want you to keep alert. Try to remain alert and fresh. Don't feel drowsy when you come tomorrow evening. Tomorrow is an important day. Avail yourself of the opportunity I want to give you all here in this barn.




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