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and the women mandali, each in a separate section. It was a very big colony, about 500 people altogether. And I used to stay in the 'big table' Some of you have seen the 'table' at Meherabad. There is a small cabin underneath the 'table' and at that time I used to live in it. For days together I used to remain on fast, sometimes only on plain water, sometimes taking coffee. Of course, I was not in seclusion. At that time I would allow people to come near Me; they used to come just for My darshan, as we say in India, to see and to meet Me, to receive My blessings and love. I used to be very active, although remaining there in the cabin under the table.


"Once it so happened a man came there―dressed in a yellow robe, with beads, a long rosary in his hand . . . a beard. In India you find many like that—hermits. We call them mahatmas, sadhus; the sign is a long beard, a long robe, a rosary, and a necklace of beads. He came to Me and said, 'Baba, I surrender to You.' As he approached Me, he prostrated himself and said, 'All that I have, I surrender to You.' I said, 'Alright, good!' Then he left.


"The next day he came again, with his wife and seven children! And he said, 'Baba. here is all that I have. I surrender them to You!' "


As we smiled at the story, Baba ended, "The poor fellow was starving. He couldn't earn anything or feed his family. In India, the sign for those who are on the spiritual Path is that they surrender tun, mun and dhun—body, mind, and life. He knew that when one approaches a spiritually perfect Master, it is customary simply to say. 'I surrender all,' that is, body, mind and possessions. So I said, "All right. I am pleased." And the next day, he brings all his possessions.


"Now, who are the six persons who have not received prasad? In India, people receive prasad with great reverence, knowing that it's a gift of God to man, a gift of love from God to man. Who can catch?"


Again, the Beloved One was tossing out His sparks of grace, via the simple bit of fruit at hand.


At last, the TV men arrived. They entered looking exhausted from their ordeal, but cheerfully set about at once with camera and Charmian's light bar, to photograph the group gathered about Baba in the




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