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there'll be no more grapes on earth and maybe that will help the liquor problem, too!' "I started to say I didn't like meat either, when Sparkie interrupted: 'Don't bring that up or we won't have any steaks!' Meanwhile Marion Florsheim gave Baba a large round stone, saying is was an alligator egg from her husband Mickey, to show Baba there really were alligators in that Gator Lake at Myrtle Beach! Baba took the stone with a comic look, as if to say, 'What is this for?', then rubbed it over His tummy as if it were a cure for this 'grape trouble' of His! It was the most droll scene I've ever witnessed. To top it all, Baba called again for Dana, saying He thought it ought to go in the Chronicle that there would be no grapes after 700 years. When Dana came in (the perfect foil and straight man), Baba told him to put it all down in the Chronicle. Then He said, 'On second thought, though, don't put it in the Chronicle; let them guess why there are no grapes!' After we stopped laughing about this, Dana posed the question, 'What will they say, that I said there won't be any grapes because they gave the Avatar a tummy ache?'


After this Agnes took Baba on a tour of the grounds of Meher Mount, all of us following, and as He passed the sulphur swimming pool with its leafy arbor, He smilingly gestured, "Grapes again!' Meher Mount and "the grape story" are intertwined in the memories of us all.


On the point of Meher Mount is a huge red oak tree which has always been called "Baba's Tree." Baba went into the tent of leafy branches and sat down on the bed of dry leaves. He signaled that no one else should sit down. His eyes shone in the half-light and He made a sign that He was happy. Then swiftly, He was up again and leading us back down the dusty trail, where he met the slow pokes coming up the hill. Kali, Agnes' dog, followed close to Baba, begging to be thrown a stick to show off her tricks. (She received the very last goodbye at Meher Mount; as Baba got in the car, He patted her head and said that she would incarnate as a human being for having met Him).


We were soon called for a little more of the Master's darshan. A new-comer embraced Baba, then He gestured to us all:


"Do not expect any discourse from Me today. Yesterday I told you all that you would play, feel relaxed (here). One thing I want you all to know. You do not realize how very fortunate you all are when I embrace you all. In India when I go out to give My darshan, in Southern India, Andhra




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