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die for his country; (2) there is paid obedience, that of a servant; (3) the obedience of a slave, the compulsory obedience of one who has no choice of his own; (4) the willing obedience of love. There are four kinds of obedience in love: (a) literal word-for-word obedience; (b) discriminatory, or the obedience of common sense; (c) complete obedience without pleasure; (d) complete obedience with pleasure. There is a fifth obedience which is very rare, absolute obedience, in which light becomes dark and dark becomes light because the Master says so. For example if it is high noon and Baba says it is dark, the disciple would run to fetch a lantern to find his way.


Baba said, “It is impossible to obey me 100 percent unless you have 100 per cent love for me and accept me 100 percent as God incarnate. So it is for you who have raised your hands to do my will."


Baba continued, “The purpose of my coming to the West has been accomplished. Tomorrow we will start discourses. Now let us have some jokes."


After the gathering Baba went to the Lagoon Cabin and saw various groups until 4 o'clock. It was then announced that there would be no meeting in the barn tomorrow, but that everyone was to be available at 9:30 a.m.


There was rain during the late afternoon and throughout the evening and heavy rain at night.



Wednesday, May 21


A day of private "Sahavas." Baba devoted himself to interviews with groups and individuals from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. Everyone was told to be at the barn at 9 a.m. tomorrow.



Thursday, May 22


Baba arrived at the Lagoon Cabin after nine. It was apparent to all he was suffering more than usual. Despite this, he graciously and warmly welcomed the sewing group from New York which had made clothes for him—three sadras, a pink jacket and a white one and a supply of handkerchiefs.


Gathered in the barn, while rain still splattered outside, Baba said that last night was his worst night. He was crushed with the work; the pain increased, he was in fever. Kitty and the mandali had told him to rest the whole day but he would not listen; nor would he send for Harry Kenmore. Baba said, "I must go. The time is fast approaching. We sleep in the barn."




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