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I might call a small group to my house, or I might call the girls to my house. This means I cannot be bound by my decision. I feel some of you are thinking 'Why does Baba call five near him, or why does he call Anita every day, or Margaret? Why not the rest?' It all depends on my wish. It does not mean I love them more or others less. Maybe the one whom I do not call at all I love more than all the others. I told Nariman to tell Don every day I’ll pay a visit from 9 to 12 at the barn. It may be 9 o'clock or 9:30 or 10 o'clock, but expect me at the barn at 9. Then I go to the Lagoon Cabin until 2. I might call someone for my work or I may not. When I go to my house I may call someone or I may keep 9 to 5 for interviews, and finish the sahavas by giving interviews. There are two alternatives; both are liked by me. We still have to decide. So hands up for the barn?" (Many hands were raised). "Hand, up for interviews?" (No hand was raised).


“If I know everything, what is there to tell me? I know before you tell me. Only remember the hands you have put up for obedience. I will carry with me when I return to India the list of those who raised their hands; and if of a sudden I issue orders, individually or collectively, try to obey them implicitly. Everything else compared to the orders that I may send is insignificant."


Baba continued: "This morning I had a decision before me. Last night a lot of working was done. Eruch says I was very restless until about 11 o'clock; Donkin, Nariman and Adi also said so. The decision was this: whether to leave Myrtle Beach in two or three days or prolong my stay for seven days. I decided this morning to stay until the 30th. On the 30th I leave for Australia, thus cutting short the sahavas by four days. I came on a Friday, so that I stay here for 14 days."


"Elizabeth, Kitty, see to those who have come here and those coming for the second week.


"There are many factors that cause me to make this decision. Before everything, I want to be in India 30 days before July l0th. It is very important for me and my lovers. For the sake of my lovers in India and for all I must have one month in my hands before the 10th.


"I feel happy this morning, Why? Yesterday Adi told me the notes on the Sahavas were wanted. There are notes on the Indian Sahavas from Deshmukh, Chari, Moorty and Iyer—reports of discourses: gestures translated by Eruch into words. I have given them to Filis for The Awakener ."




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