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God is both the father and the mother in One. The Avatars are Sons of the Father in the Beyond state. All past Avataric periods witnessed the presence of the Avatar as the healthy, bright, wise Son of God. All this means that the Avatar always remained the Beloved Son of the Father. Note that the Avatar always takes a male form and mingles with mankind as man.


Hitherto, God in the Beyond state did not have occasion to play the part of God the mother. In this Avataric period, God the Father is very pleased with Me at my being infinitely bright, wise, efficient and perfect in all respects (Ustad or "shrewd") as My Father wants Me to be; and I am the beloved Son of My Father. At the same time in this form I am physically disabled. In America, in 1952, I was injured on the left side of My physical frame from leg to face. In India, in 1956, I injured My right side from the head down to the leg. Besides being physically disabled I am also infinitely simple and guileless (Bhola). Thus, I am also the well-beloved Son of My God the Mother. So, in this Incarnation of the Avatar, God has the occasion, as it were, to play the part of both Father and Mother.


Twice during the discourse Baba touched or pointed to his right foot and touched his brow. Another discourse was read:



Do not give undue importance to explanations and discourses. Words fail to give any meaning to Reality; because when one supposes that one has understood, one has not understood: one is far from understanding anything so far as Reality is concerned. Reality is beyond human understanding (Samaj) for it is beyond intellect. Understanding cannot help because God is beyond understanding. The moment you try to understand God you "misunderstand" Him; you miss Him when you try to understand Him. Intellect must go before knowledge dawns.


All this is a show, a fun (Tamasha), a play. Mind must go, because the fun lies in the mind. And the fun is that mind must annihilate itself. Only Man-o-nash* (annihilation of mind) takes one to reality. If I tell you to jump over another person you can do it; but you cannot jump over yourself: at the most you would turn a somersault: but there is a way to annihilate the mind. The way is love. Just consider ordinary human love: when a man or a woman is deeply in love with his or her partner, nothing comes between them. They get totally lost in love for one another. There is neither admiration


*sic should be "Manonash" added from ERRATA Volume 6 No. 1 page 35 -webmaster JK 2008




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