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Thus, it follows that He must be knowing to do everything. He will say: I know to create everything; I know to destroy everything; I know to preserve everything; I know to do everything.


Thus He who is Omniscient is inevitably Omnipotent. His bring Omnipresent made Him Omniscient and this also made Him Omnipotent. In short, to be Omnipresent is to be both Omniscient and Omnipotent simultaneously. All three attributes of God are linked with one another, giving rise to the infinite bliss of God. One who is Omni present, Omniscient and Omnipotent, cannot help but be in the infinitely blissful state.


Baba said, "What happened yesterday? Nothing. What will happen tomorrow? Nothing. All happens now. This experience of everything happening at this very moment is 'dnyan’; knowledge, wisdom. It has nothing to do with the mind, reason. One who has this experience of eternal knowledge—'dnyan’—is wise. Mind says 'It was yesterday that Baba was here, Baba gave us a discourse, and we all listened, and the children had a party,' and mind also says. 'Tomorrow we will have performance.' But one rare being knows that there is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow. There is the eternal NOW from the beginningless beginning to the endless end. There is one moment only — the ETERNAL NOW. He, who experiences the Eternal Now, finds all doubts, worries, everything dissolved like mist, and remains in eternal bliss."



A. The fore-knowledge possessed by an ordinary person depends on memory based on       past experiences:

(i) When a person sees a man on a mountain-top, the person has fore-knowledge that if           the man falls down the mountain be will surely die.

(ii) When a person sees a row of horses at the starting point on a race-course, the person            has fore-knowledge that the horses will run as soon as the “Start” signal is given.

(iii) When a person sees a bottle of whiskey, he has fore-knowledge that the liquid will             give intoxication. He associates whisky with intoxication.

Thousands of such examples could be given of foreknowledge in an ordinary person.




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