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One who was present said it was not easy to put into words the feelings each one experienced. One thing is certain: each was filled to the brim with His Love, and each received what she needed. How can one express the ecstasy of His Presence: Baba looked radiant. His nearness was utterly surcharged with His Love. Baba gave gifts to each—appropriate to the recipient. The Master offered one woman the handkerchief with which he had just wiped his face, but she did not notice it. Baba slowly lowered his hand. The next woman in line, more perceptive, then received this priceless prasad.


Anne Karrasch was asked by Baba through Eruch: "Where is 'little lover'?" meaning her son, Larry. Anne replied: "Oh, did you want me to bring him?" Baba shook His head, then reached over to a tray of gifts, feeling amongst them. Finally, he held a small snuff box, saying it was filled with his Love, then handed it to Anne, for her to give it to 'little lover'. When all had partaken of this feast, they returned with hearts filled with gratitude, wealthier than all riches.



Monday, May 26


At 10 o'clock Baba entered the barn. "For the first time today I am punctual. According to my time, it is 9 o'clock. From 6 to 8 I was busy with the mandali about the sahavas; from 8 to 9 busy with people for work; from 9 to 10 I was busy in the Lagoon Cabin with those who are leaving today and with newcomers. I will leave the barn at 11:45 and go to the Lagoon Cabin. I have to see certain people; I come back here at 2. Kitty, are there more newcomers? Only two? How many are expected for the second week? “Three or four," Kitty replies. If they really meet me for only one second, it is sufficient for a lifetime. Now we listen to the discourses."



God is infinite reality; Cosmos is infinite illusion.


In infinite illusion there are infinite suns, stars, moons, planets and the creation as a whole evolves ad infinitum.


For instance, take the head of a human being. The head is one and there is one individual mind. Yet innumerable hairs grow over this one head: even when all the hair is shaved, the growth of hair does not cease: the hair reappears and covers the head.




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