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Baba concluded: "I am not happy when you don't love me!"
Elizabeth Sacalis, in charge of the hi-fi, asked Baba if he would like to hear "The Indian Love Call." “Any call," said Baba, "Or do you want to go out for some other call?" Baba's favorite, "Begin the Beguine" was played, a jet plane accenting the end of the song. The next tune was "He's got The Whole World in His Hands," in catchy popular rhythm.
A third discourse on "Maya" and one on auras, were read to us by Don Stevens. These were discourses by Baba which will appear in Miss Conybeare's new book. Baba resumed:
"You are all blind—unless you see me as I am. This is what I mean by this discourse on maya. Irene used to tell me that Westerners were spiritual, that they have more spiritual understanding than the Easterners. I said she was right. Easterners have no understanding but they have more love. And of course Irene Conybeare was not pleased; so I had to create an explanation for her, so she was pleased, and," Baba said, "So God remains pleased.
"Remember one point, try to follow it, it's so new and difficult. Why do I say, everything is here within you? It is not above or beneath; the difference is only in the state of consciousness. For example, an ant is here on the barn floor; it is free, active. You also do actions here on the same floor. But the consciousness of the ant when compared with yours is insignificant. You are conscious of jet planes flying over the barn. You also know about air flights and so many things. But the ant on the same floor with you is not aware of planes. The difference between the experience of the ant and your experience is very great, though you both are on the same gross level. So similarly the difference between your experience and my experience is like that between you and the ant; we are here together in the same room and on the same floor, but to me you appear as the ants appear to you!"
At Baba's request a joke was told by Harry. Baba laughed as heartily as the rest. He said he would be in the Lagoon Cabin until 1:30 with blinds down."I may call you or I may not."
The afternoon performance in the barn
As Baba was carried in his chair, all cried, "Avatar Meher Baba ki jai!" and then we all sang "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here," followed by "When The Saints Go Marching In," sung by Lenny Willoughby and the musical
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