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Then back at the Lagoon Cabin he remained seated outside, "working" with a look of Christ-like compassion and suffering as the group stood silent about. He continued his universal work for ten minutes, then he got in the car and went to the Guest House. He stepped out of the car and a chair was hastily brought for him. He continued silently and intensely in his universal work for about seven minutes, before returning to his house.
Wednesday, May 28
At 9:50, Baba entered the barn and said, "Them most exalted spiritual experience is that of oneness, and the most exalted spiritual status is that one who manifests unity in duality." Baba repeated, “The highest experience is the experience of oneness which cannot even be called oneness. And the most exalted spiritual status is that of one who manifests unity in duality. That means one who, after becoming one with God, through love for all, brings God down to earth.
"Today, I ask God in His infinite mercy to forgive, up to this moment, all my lovers all over the world who are not present here physically." Baba asked us to keep seated while Harry Kenmore recited the Prayer of Repentance. Baba said:
"Hafiz says something very nice, and it is the truth. He says, 'The Perfect One can turn hak, *[sic] dust, not into gold but into an alchemy that turns everything into gold.' This means, Perfect Masters can raise those who are in the lowest depths to the highest levels with one glance or nazir**. [sic] Nazir means a glance. It means that if a Perfect Master so wills, while he is sitting here in the barn and he wishes to give God-Realization to someone in India, one glance is sufficient. Hafiz says also: "But I am afraid such a Perfect Master will seldom look at me. I love him so much but I am afraid he will not even glance at me out of the corner of his eye.'
'Today from 2 to 3 p.m. I want the men to come to my house just to see it and to receive the last embrace and prasad. Tomorrow is a holiday for me. A holiday for me means more work! The day after tomorrow those who are going to the airport must get up at 3 and be ready to leave at 5:35 a.m., Ned Foote says. I and the mandali will be up at 3 a.m.; so, tomorrow is the day for packing. Eruch is with me constantly at the cabin and with me at my house . . . until midnight. He always gets up at 5. So tomorrow, Eruch is free. Kitty tells me all are going to the airport. Is it necessary? Are only the women going or are all going?"
*khak Corrections taken from ERRATA in Volume 6 No.1 page 35-webmaster 2008-JK
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