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before: Baba asked for chalk and Eruch had to draw three circles on the floor, representing the gross, subtle and mental worlds. Baba used a hat to represent the false I. Baba said, "Your real I within is playing the part of false I, i.e., your real I has falseness attached to it. Take for example Francis: Francis' real I has falseness attached to it. Gross, subtle, mental world and God are all in Francis. Francis' real I is playing the part of false I. He can see only the gross world. The real I sees backwards. Thus a step backwards (opposite direction to seeing) is really a forward step.



Diagram of false I



A 5th plane Wali takes Francis through to (2) from (1). In the subtle world many planes are seen, but all are really illusion, such as beautiful music, lights, scents, etc. A 6th plane Pir or Saint takes Francis to the mental world; here direction of seeing is reversed, and God Infinite is seen. At 6th plane Francis sees God but does not know he is God. In moving from gross to subtle to mental world, full consciousness is kept. The Perfect Master removes all falseness from real I (at this point hat is whisked away) leaving real I only. Real I becomes one with Infinity. When false I is removed individuality is given. Real I says, "I am God;" but in effect all individualities are one. Three Perfect Masters all say "I am God" (showing individuality), yet all are in God. The Perfect Master is the individualized ocean, and the Avatar is the oceanized individuality, Baba said. It is the Avatar who knows fully that He is in all and all are in Him.


Later, Baba asked some one to sing; or a group to sing or play some music, or tell a story. (There was no electricity, so no records could be played.) Some of the men told jokes and stories. Some religious songs were sung, then popular numbers. All sang the national popular song of Australia, "Waltzing Matilda." A lad went to obtain his flute and played to Baba. Baba looked pleased and happy. Later a cable was composed and read to Baba at his request, to be sent to Mehera: "All Women Baba Lovers At Sahavas Avatar's Abode Send Love To Baba's Beloved Mehera."


We were then dismissed until after lunch.




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