- I am continuously crucified and continuously taking birth.
- Do not be afraid of Self. You do not merely possess, but actually are Soul, and the Soul is but one Paramatman. If you fear Self, you make God aloof from and independent of you.
- If you love Me, nothing can come between you and Me.
- Pure Love is the beginning and ending of everything. When only one desire remains, Love manifests in full glory, because only in the Divine Beloved is love Infinite Purity. When Lover and the Beloved are One, that is the end and the beginning.
- Although you find me moving about amongst you, playing with you and in fact doing all that a supposed living man does, I am really dead! I am living because I am dead. Die, all of you, in the real sense, so that you may live ever after!
- The Infinite One is in everything and can be expressed in everything.
- Always think of helping, and not of results. Never worry about results, because "selfless service" means trying to help others, not even thinking "I am doing this or that." Always work with your heart for the best, and don't worry. The world crucified Christ.
By Meher Baba
Out of a number of practices which lead to the ultimate goal of humanity—God-Realization—Bhakti Yoga is one of the most important. Almost the whole of humanity is concerned with Bhakti Yoga, which, in simple words, means the art of worship. But it must be understood in all its true aspects, and not merely in a narrow and shallow sense, in which the term is commonly used and interpreted.
The profound worship based on the high ideals of philosophy and spirituality, prompted by divine love, doubtless constitutes true Bhakti Yoga. It follows then that the various ceremonies, rituals, which are part and parcel of every creed or the "shariat" of every "religion," constitute only its shadow. Nevertheless, it may be said that the ritualistic worship, which