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reach the hotel by 4? Nervously speeding above the limit, Lud found Harb and told him to wait until he found the bus. Again Baba told him he must obey both orders; but there was no bus in sight. Lud drove back to Harb and there was the bus. He shouted "We're going back!" Lud still cannot understand how he arrived at the hotel by 4—having obeyed both orders! Again Baba called us all to his room, looking grave. One of the youngsters was missing—little Toryann*—and none of us had noticed. Great scurrying in all directions! It turned out later that Sparkie Lukes and Torey* had gone up Coit Tower and had been left behind. So Baba quietly taught us all a lesson in thoughtfulness of others.


Fred Frey, a decorator by profession, had spent hours the day before in beautifying the conference room with plants brought from his home many miles away. But some kind, thoughtful (?) soul had put everything away in a nearby refrigerator for the night. Fred, checking, found all his work undone. Frantically, he went home and brought back more plants, hurting his leg in the process. No wonder when Baba asked him to show the way to the conference room, Fred couldn't seem to find it!


"Fred has now become one of my mad disciples," Baba teased. We were all seated about him as he lay on the chaise lounge backed by a beautiful display of leaves and flowers. "When you go mad for Me, really mad, not in the worldly sense, then you find Me. Only those who go mad with love for Me find Me," he told us. Baba added his order that we all must stay to the end of the ice show that evening, even if he left.


Baba came with us, bundled up against the fog with wool socks, red wool jacket, white cotton trousers and his favorite red Paisley scarf. He jokingly tried on Charmian Duce's white fur toque while we waited for the cars.


At the Cow Palace, in spite of the whirling colorful figures on the ice below, my eyes stared fixedly at the tiny bald spot on Baba's head far to the right. Surely enough, he got up to leave early. Kitty told me later that the moment Baba arrived at the theatre he inquired for Ruth White, who was missing, and had her call the hotel. As Kitty says, Baba instantly notices who is missing; also, when you are with him, he expects and is happier if you ask his permission to be absent.


Lud had great difficulties in getting out his car to drive Baba home . . . twenty other cars hemmed him in, and he went from car to car blowing


*Tara Frey, not her older sister Toryann Frey, was the 7 year old girl who went up into Coit Tower with Sparkie (Rita) Lukes and missed the bus, according to interviews with both Frey girls in 2003 by Webmaster-J.K.




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