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all the world will come to know about it." Murshida Duce began to sob. Baba called her and made her sit beside him. He put his hand on her head in a silent blessing of strength and guidance. He told her that now that he had blessed the place she should try to keep it. She mentioned the person most helpful in supporting it and Baba nodded. Then, reminiscing, he told us of the incident in 1926, when he came out of one year's cramped fast and seclusion in the "box." He had asked the mandali to try and push him over. About 20 mandali put their hands together on his back, but they could not budge him. And this was the year Baba had lived on nothing but coffee for more than six months! Adi reminisced too, that in the early days Baba used to rise early in the morning and sing. "He had a rich, juicy voice," Adi recalled.


Baba visited the office briefly, then left. As we waited for the car, a woman brushed past us in the lobby, almost treading on Baba's toes. How unconscious can one get, I thought. Baba stopped to see Lud on his return and I went along. As he came downstairs, he told 14-year-old Diane Dimpfl, whom he had lovingly christened "BBB" —Baba's Beloved Baby: "Next time I come, I will call you to India." I wondered, in this life or another?



Sunday, August 5


Bandits held up the hotel office late at night while we slept. The next day (Monday) the manager had a chance for Baba's darshan as he told the Master about it, saying he was sure Baba's presence had prevented more serious harm.


Four of the "five" girls whom Baba always called together had early morning darshan from the Beloved, although one "finger" was missing. He solicitously inquired about our work, our lives. Then he called in Ivy and Don Stevens and outlined his wish that they publish all the messages given out on the trip, within 5 months. More than a year passed, however, as we all know, before Ivy was able to bring out "Life At Its Best."


Then the rest of the party was called in. Now we could grasp why Beloved wished for larger quarters. About 40 of us crowded into the room. Baba let fall his exciting "time bomb" about the great meeting in India: he wished us to come! Eruch put Baba's "mudras" into English:


"Last night I thought over everything. I had to attend to much Universal Work. I decided about the meeting I want to call after my seclusion, on




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