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A. Although He seems to change His plans, and apparently does not keep His promises about the dates of His speaking and healing, etc., in reality, it is not so. For, as a Perfect Master, He knows all that is to happen in future. As a matter of fact, everything is planned and arranged by Him beforehand. And so, although He really knows when He is destined to speak and heal, He postpones the dates from time to time in order to give greater force to His final workings, and in order also that all that He has planned during these past years will be revealed fully on the day of His manifestation.


Q. If He can raise the dead, why does the Master allow His disciples to get ill or die?


A. Although spiritually the Master of everything, He never unnecessarily interferes with the laws of nature and Karma governing all existence and belonging to Himself. The terrible sufferings that the past Masters and their disciples underwent, were due, on one hand, to these laws of nature, and on the other to the reason that by their vicarious sufferings, they were able to help spiritually all humanity.


Q. How is it, that the Master, being super-human, still has hunger, thirst and the need of sleep?


A. The Master works on different plans—spiritual, mental, astral and physical. And in order to work with different individuals at different stages of evolution, He comes down to their level. Even when in the physical body, He can aid highly advanced souls on the mental plane, less advanced souls on the astral plane and ordinary human beings on the physical plane. He uses the appropriate body—spiritual, mental, astral or physical—as the medium for His work on the required plane.


It is rightly said that the true teacher is he who can come down to the level of the student. The Master comes down to the level of this world for its upliftment. This physical body, now His medium of work, has its physical needs, food and rest, which must usually be attended to physically. If necessary, He could live without food or water for days together. In fact, He has often fasted for long periods.


This attention to the requirements of the physical body of the Master, although outwardly similar, is inwardly different. It is not, as in ordinary men, actuated by any desire to satisfy hunger, thirst or sleep, nor for the pleasure that man derives from eating, drinking and other enjoyments. He tends to the physical needs of the body merely to preserve it as a medium for the great work that He has to do for humanity on this physical plane.




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