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"Tell My American lovers that although they are physically far away from Me, spiritually, they are nearer to Me than to themselves; and, they are all very dear to Me.
Baba's lovers must have read His discourse on "God Alone Is." Since Baba is God in person, we would not be wrong in saying "Baba alone is." This small statement, although it looks small, when analyzed, is pregnant with deep meaning and proves to be the sum and substance of Baba's teachings.
Even before the world was created, God alone was. When He got the whim to know Himself, the Nothing which was latent in the Everything (God or Baba) escaped through the Om point and expanded ad infinitum. This Nothing, when expanded ad infinitum, thought it was Everything, and the Real Everything was thought to be the Nothing. This Nothing seen as nothing is nothing, but seen as God is reality. Baba has said, "The World as world is an illusion, but the world as God is Reality." So the whole universe which came out of Nothing is nothing, but God (Baba). In fact if God (Baba) is infinite, how could there be anything else but Him? Even from God Speaks we conclude that "God alone Is." He got the whim, He manifested, He evolved, He involuted, and finally He became conscious of Himself.
Thus everything is God or Baba. To see Baba and to think of His physical form alone as Baba would be to underrate Him. Baba is God just as everything else is God, but the personal form of Baba knows He is Baba or God, while everything else, though being God, is not conscious of it. Thus the difference between the one and the other is only in the degree to which consciousness has evolved. The whim to know implies a duality, an apparent differentiation into two aspects, infinite consciousness and infinite unconsciousness. This infinite unconsciousness had to pass through the long-drawn-out process of evolution until it arrived at infinite consciousness.
During deep sleep we are unconsciously conscious of the Unconscious, but our aim should be to be consciously conscious of the Unconscious (God). Baba once said, "You should be consciously asleep." Baba has
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