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Greatness that I had in the Old Life, and retained the ignorance, weakness and humility of the New Life. This union of the old and new life states has given birth to LIFE; Life that is eternally old and new."


From this seclusion Baba came out physically exhausted and tired, in sense we cannot fathom; and it was not until the middle of April, 1952, that he was able to undertake his 6th visit to the United States and his first visit to his Center at Myrtle Beach, S. C.


On His birthday, February 12th, Baba gave out the following two messages from Meherazad, Pimpalgaon: "God's blessings and My Love to you all on this, my first real birthday." And:


"O God, today being my first real birthday, my heart expresses that the Declaration of the ‘Life' by me was entirely Yours and by Your Will, because nothing happens save by Your Will.


“All my knowledge and my ignorance; all my strength and my weakness; all my freedom and my bondage are as You have desired and decreed.


"This Life Eternal will be lived by me in conformity with Your Will and every word of the Declaration of the 'Life' will come to pass by Your Grace."


"And when mind was gone, his Old-Life of Knowledge, Strength and Greatness


Abided; but he kept also (by his own act of keeping) the ignorance


Weakness and humility of the New Life; then was he Himself and us


At the same time. And so there arose in him Life, free and obligationless:


The life of Master and Servant; of knowledge that we are all eternally One.


Indivisible and Infinite in essence; but separate through ignorance;


Life of strength in Knowledge and weakness in binding desires.

—"Stay With God”




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