- The God Man, in the performance of His Universal Work, has infinite adaptability. . . . For showing the way to divinity, the God-man may often play the role of a devotee of God, though He has obtained complete unity with God, in order that others should be able to know the Way.
- It is the One Supreme Soul who is playing the different parts of The Almighty, The Creator, and the God-Realized Man Who has attained the Christ-Conscious state and is a Perfect Master. The Perfect Master knows He is in every man and that every man is in Him—the Perfect Master is Love, Lover and Beloved.
- Only three things are of real worth, Good, Love and the Perfect Master. These three are almost one and the same.
- The body suffers, the mind is tormented, but the soul experiences the bliss (in working for Baba).
- One generally passes through three stages in the spiritual life. The first stage is of burning enthusiasm, when the aspirant is imbued with the keen desire of seeing and experiencing the unknown. The second stage is of disgust and disappointment. The third is of divine bliss. The second stage, in which you are at present, is very long. Since you cannot escape from it or remedy it, you must put up with it cheerfully. Don't leave Me in any case.
- Through the operation of the mind, which is the seat of the ego, a man regards himself as a separate individual, a limited being. The problem of Self-Realization, therefore, presents a dilemma of how the mind is to consciously destroy itself, and yet for the consciousness which it has evolved, to remain, so that the Real Self may gain Self-consciousness, whereby the Soul can become fully conscious of its own infinite nature.
- Truth, when it comes, comes in a flash within. When knowledge comes, one knows everything, but Truth and its Knowledge is not found unless one seeks with all his heart, and when one feels that he cannot live without it, then one finds it within the self. I give you My Love, and this Love will help you find the Truth.