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here in the crypt, taking only water and coffee, not tea. I would take My bath also in the crypt. Those who have not seen the future tomb, may now go and pay respects by bowing down. Those who have already seen it (in November, 1955) need not go.
"After I drop My body, the physical remains will rest here, and this hill will become an important place of pilgrimage of the world. You all do not realize the importance of this day. After 70 years this place will be a place of great privilege and pilgrimage. A big town will grow up here. Baba, the living figure, has led you up this hill, His resting place. You can have no idea of the unique privilege you are having today. I said the same thing to the Sahavasis of the first week."
He continued: "God is in The Beyond-State and the Avatars are the well-beloved Sons of God in the Beyond-State. We all have been hearing that God is ONE, is in EVERYTHING, and is in EVERYONE. In the Beyond-State, God is both the Father and the Mother in ONE.
"Now let us consider worldly parents. Here we have to consider the father and mother separately. Supposing the parents have seven sons. Six of the sons are quite good-looking, healthy, intelligent. bright; the seventh is a cripple, dull-headed, gullible, a simpleton. The father loves the six sons very much, but for his seventh son, the father has comparatively little love. But the mother has the most concern and affection for the seventh child who is disabled. This is the attitude of worldly parents generally; of course, there are rare exceptions.
"Whenever, from time to time, age after age, God descends on earth as the Avatar, He is always in the male form. In all My previous incarnations, I was the well-beloved Son of God― the Father. I was like the six sons of the worldly parents; and naturally, I was the well beloved Son of the Father. In the past, God had no chance to play the part of Mother. In this incarnation of mine, when I have come as the Avatar, God has the opportunity of playing the role of both the Father and the Mother. In this Avatarhood, God as the Father has been very much pleased with Me, because I am infinitely bright, infinitely intelligent, infinitely brilliant, etc. I give promises and never fulfill them (Laughter). I am bright and shrewd. I am the Beloved Son of My Father. . . . He is very pleased w ith Me as His Beloved Son.
"At the same time, in this Avatarhood, I am physically disabled and my
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