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with a divine restlessness that seeks the abiding peace of eternity.


Posterity will be engrossed in deciphering the full import of each gesture communication of Baba. But it is our special privilege to allow our hearts to throb with the illimitable life which he brings for us. All that we have to do is to summon sufficient courage to break through self-created resistances. In unruffled silence, God has been playing with His intimate ones His eternal game, from the beginningless beginning to the endless end. And to see the same God in human form playing with us, His dear ones, is a mystery of mysteries, too true to need any props from the limping intellect of man. If his silence is so meaningful and sweet, how much more so will be the breaking of his silence, when he utters the Word of words!


Let us learn at the feet of the Avatar with faith and receptivity. Learning implies much more than desire to learn, requiring a willingness and sometimes even an effort to unlearn many things, to which we get attached in our ignorance. The Master of silence has come to us for imparting the great art of "How to Live." But we may miss his great truth, if we do not have the humility to receive it, without offering the resistances of our ego-phantasies. Truth can neither be imparted nor received except in the tranquility of Silence and in the profoundness of clear love.


Can there be any plans for creating this subtle commodity of clear love, which equally defies coercion and temptation? We may well put aside all anxious worries on this score, since the divine love of The Most High, which is eternally sustaining each and all, is now right in our midst in full incarnation in the form of our Beloved Baba. But we must summon readiness to hearken to his eloquent silence. This will require on our parts greater attention and concentration than what is necessary for understanding spoken words or even for reading between the expressed lines of prose or poem. It will also require silence on the part of our own minds, which like habitual chatterboxes, are prone to meet the revealed truth of the Avatar, with their own ill-understood or half-baked theories.


Enticing and inviting, Avatar Meher Baba's thundering silence gives a rude awakening to the confused spirit of our age. It brings to the bar of our own judgment the erring learned ones, the high-browed priests and the struggling, toiling and groping hydra-headed multitude, chiding them, inviting them and drawing them by his invisible clear love into the sanctuary of his all-encompassing peace and bliss of the undivided life eternal.




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