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At 2 P.M. Baba returned to the Hall. Sometimes Eruch read Baba's discourses, at other times humor was in order. Later that day we played ball. Baba chose the opposing teams. Also we played Baba's card game.
During Baba's rest period Ben had adjusted, or rather corrected, all the disordered spinal columns and pelvises among the men. Pendu had been in an accident some time ago and was still limping. Ben's treatment helped him—he was able to walk straight without limping. Soon it was time for our final embraces from Baba and the Mandali for this was our last day at Meherazad. As our car was being driven out of the compound Ben thought that he really should check Pendu once more to be sure that he would remain all right. So Ben asked Meherjee to stop the driver, which he did. Ben got out and attended to Pendu and found he was O.K. Then Baba called for all of us to get out of the car and come to Him, to be embraced once more before leaving. Because one of us had got off after He and the Mandali had bid us farewell, the embrace was “broken." So after Baba and the Mandali had embraced all of us again we departed. After leaving, Ben remarked that he felt like telling Baba that he did that on purpose to get another embrace from Him! We went to Ahmednagar that night.
On our way back and forth between Meherabad and Meherazad we always stopped at Adi Sr.'s office. For the last five evenings Padri, Donkin and Meherjee joined us and we had a delightful time. One afternoon as we were about to enter Adi’s office I remarked to Ben that life in India must be much easier than in the States. Adi heard us and said Not in this office!!"
Dec. 3rd—Resting at Ahmednagar. Ben was engaged that morning in helping the afflicted ones. Before lunch time Ben had many patients—he also showed Donkin how to manipulate with his hands to bring the spinal column into proper alignment, osteopathic treatment, etc. At 2 P.M. Sarosh took us for a drive and showed us the city, then to his home for dinner and the evening.
Dec. 4th―Meherjee came for us and we started for Poona at 7 A.M. and arrived there at 9:30 A.M. where we stopped at the Napier Hotel. At 11 o'clock Meherjee returned and took us to see Baba's home where He lived when He was a child and also where He stayed after Babajan's kiss sent Him into the 7th Plane consciousness. We visited the room He sat in and saw the
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