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Situations will evolve around a person to bring to pass what He has previously said He wants to happen. I've seen it evolve about myself the same way. It's something with which I have direct experience.


This is something I think everyone would like to know. Baba says that in December He is going to break His Silence. So, let's see. In fact, He said He is definitely going to break His Silence.


Afterwards, I spoke to Eruch and asked him what he thought, since Baba has said before that He would break His Silence, and Eruch said, "Let's just wait and see, time will tell." Personally, I think one reason He doesn't break His Silence when He promises is because there is a certain anticipation which He brings up in people which He uses for His work. That's one thing I've noticed, He uses people's feelings. He would create very happy moments, very sad moments, and you could see in the meantime that He was half in another world. He would manipulate His fingers as if reacting to things He was doing—just as a person speaks and uses his hands, and isn't even aware of using his hands. I have the same impression with Baba—that the way He uses His fingers, and the facial expressions He gets sometimes, are reactions to things that He is doing in dealing with the mind.


He'll bring about emotional times with people and use them. Even with the twins . . . . He has a little ball that He throws at them. It's unusual to see a person work in such a manner, but when you begin to understand Baba, you can grasp what's going on, even though you don't know quite what it is. He would kid around with the twins and say, "Who's the strongest?" and both would say, "I am!" Sometimes He would have them help lift Him out of the chair and He would pull them down instead. Don't kid yourself, He's very strong! Then He'd take the twins (they're both chubby and have kind of big stomachs), turn them towards each other, and then while they were staring each other in the eye, He would push them together, and they would bounce! The twins got a big kick out of it.


Eruch was about the most obedient person to Baba I ever met. He even doesn't eat all day long until he gets home at night. He takes care of much of Baba's correspondence as well as interpreting for Baba. All the disciples say that no one interprets like Eruch.


This is an incident related to me by a devotee, that happened about two or three years ago. Another close follower of Baba's was promised something




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