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can't figure this game out!" He’d pat me on the head and say with His expression, "It's O.K. whether you figure it out or not." Sometimes Francis (who wrote Stay with God) would try to explain it to me, but the way he explained it, I only got more confused! The game lasts only a minute. The cards are given out, they call out the name, everyone throws their cards on the floor, and somebody wins. Whoever loses must rub his nose on the carpet! Every other person loses, so the alternate people who've won watch all the others rub their noses on the carpet! A very confusing game . . . I'm still trying to figure it out!


When I was there we went to visit an orphanage because Baba wanted to give His darshan to the orphans. They were all little girls. First the teachers and the principal bowed down to Baba, then the orphans came by. Some Baba embraced and some just walked past Him. Maybe they had been told who He was, but since they were kind of young maybe they didn't understand. Baba said at the end it was a short visit and a sweet visit. I said to Him as we were driving away, "A lot of good must come to these orphans when You're there."


He said, "A tremendous amount of good is being done to them." Of course these are all things that can not be seen outwardly . . . because you can't see how He manipulates these little children's patterns. For everyone follows a certain pattern. He just pulls the strings in the right places so that things turn out a little better for them.


He said one time, when the government officials were there for His darshan, that it is better to deny God than to defy God. Sometimes when people are told something like this they are a little offended. But not over there, because everything is said just at the right time. It always has its element of truth that people recognize because of the time that He'd say it. As somebody told me, there is a personal message for everyone in every message He gives. The same thing may be said seemingly to everyone, but it affects everybody in a different manner. And I know, because I thought these little sayings were directed personally at me. . . and I say again, personally!


They told me afterwards that everyone gets that feeling. It's part of the kind of person Baba is. When they say that He is the ultimate, these are the little ways in which it comes out. He does things in a very subtle manner. You think it's part of your everyday life. At the time, it's so subtle




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